Sharing My STRANGE Past Dreams (all book related, of course) With You!

I have decided that the best way to return to blogging in these dire times is with a fun post. So here we are!  This wasn't originally supposed to be a post! However, I was thinking about dreams the other day, and I realized that when I was younger, most of my craziest dreams had to do with Harry Potter (and Percy Jackson).

My Love/Hate Relationship With Blogging // a tiny discussion about what’s been goin on with me 😌

Well, I think it’s awfully convenient that this particular post caused some chaos when I accidentally posted it too soon. I schedule posts to tell myself when they should go up, but I usually end up posting it days later, anyway. What's the point, you ask? I have no idea.

Book Review ✨ The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

Despite several predictable plot points and non-surprising “reveals”, I absolutely loved this book. Although I was very excited for The Queen of Nothing, the only expectation I had for this book was for it to explain the ending events of The Wicked King in a satisfying way. And after that happened, everything else was just very enjoyable bonus content.