What Happened Over These Past 2 Months? // March Wrap Up

Hey, friends! How is everyone doing today? How is your April so far? Mine has been one huge blur, thanks for asking.

The other day, I was writing a blog post for the near-future, and in it, I was talking about how I don’t really like doing wrap ups. But now we’re here, and there’s no going back, now!

February and March were very busy and boring for me, and I read less than a handful of books across those two months. But anywho, let’s get on with the wrap up!


Well, I didn’t get to read as much as I had hoped. Other than the classic novels I read for school, I only read 3 books. 

So far, school has been a little bit more stressful than I was expecting. I haven’t been able to read many YA books, but here are the ones I’ve read recently:


I received Skyward as a present for Christmas, but I wasn’t able to read it until February! 😂 I had my Spring Break a few weeks ago, so I managed to get some good reading in!

Even though it was a little bit long (like 500 pages??), I still really enjoyed Skyward. I’m not usually a Science Fiction reader, but this series is an exception to that. And I’m honestly glad that I didn’t read this book as soon as it was released, as I had originally wanted to, because then I would have to wait a whole year for the next one!

RELATEDBOOK REVIEW ✨ Skyward by Brandon Sanderson


Stalking Jack the Ripper was… not one of my favorites?

It was okay. A little bloody (okay, maybe a lot bloody), but it was still a fun audiobook. I’m pretty sure that the only reason I didn’t love it was specifically the “Jack the Ripper” aspect, which is why I’ll read the next book soon. 🙂

RELATEDBOOK REVIEW ✨ Stalking Jack the Ripper


I read Beware the Night as part of a Blog Tour with Xpresso Books, and it was good! This is also going to be a series, and I’m not sure when the next book will be released, but I you will probably find me reading the next one when it does 🙂

RELATEDARC REVIEW + Tour // Beware the Night by Jessika Flek

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I posted a discussion about plot twists! What exactly is a plot twist, and what kinds of twists are the best?


I launched a new feature series on my blog called “Stories from a Childhood Book Nerd”! This first post is all about the books I absolutely did not want to read at one point in my life, and my reasonings behind all that.

In this post, I spilled out a bit of my heart and soul by showing you all some of my writing!

I really love this current Fantasy WIP, and I was overwhelmed with the amount of positive comments about it! Thanks for supporting my smol children, everyone! 😊


In my latest discussion post, I talked about the danger of spoilers! I also shared some of my own opinions about spoilers, and what can ruin a book for me, What counts as a spoiler to you, and how do you feel about spoilers?

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I had the wonderful opportunity to interview C.G. Drews! I was super excited to share this interview, and I hope it gave a little bit of insight on her writing process!

And also, have you seen the cover for The Boy Who Steals Houses?? Not that I’m biased or anything, but navy blue is my favorite color, and my blog is navy and yellow, so…

Anyways, I will be reading this book as soon as I get my life together!

My little blog just turned 6 months old a few weeks ago! 😊 The past 6 months have gone by so fast, I can’t believe it’s already been so long!

Thanks for all of the support, friends! Whether you’ve been here since my first month, or you just started following me, thank you so much for supporting my content! 😀

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I’m sorry I haven’t been around much! 🙈 I was not able to blog hop in the way that I normally do, or save a lot of my favorite posts from you all.

If one of your posts is not listed here, just know that I still love you! 💕 Even if I just ‘liked’ one of your posts, I’m still reading it and enjoying it, but maybe I just didn’t have time to comment or save your post.

✨ Writerly Beginnings I: Re-Reading Some of My Earliest (and Cringiest?) Stories from Alex at Scribbles & Stories

I quite literally shed a tear or two while reading Alex’s post about her earliest stories. I connected so much with her writing style, and our writing-journey stories are pretty similar. I laughed and I got a little emotional just by reading some of the things she wrote, so that’s always a great sign!

✨ Women’s History Month Reading Challenge ANNOUNCEMENT | #WHMReadingChallenge from Margaret at Weird Zeal

Margaret created a wonderful Women’s History Month reading challenge! I participated a little bit, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to read any of the books I was hoping to. 😅 The challenge was very detailed, and so many great posts came out of it! (And yay for women in the book industry! 💕 )


Um, I’m absolutely obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved and Laura just read my mind by creating this Readathon for April. I promised myself I would do this readathon, but… unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll have the time! 😦 But I still want to share this post with you all, because it’s one of the ~spookiest~ Readthons I’ve ever seen. (Unless you’re a Shaniac. In that case, I’m sure you’ll just give your head a little shake at the spookiness.)
Also, you should join it and avenge me! Complete the Readathon in my honor!
Or your own honor! Whichever works!

✨ Things That Book Bloggers Shouldn’t Feel Bad For (aka why I’m a bookish hypocrite) from Ju at Paper Blots

This was an awesome post because… I think a lot of us bloggers feel down about ourselves from time to time. I sometimes feel bad that I don’t have time to read many of the popular or “hyped” books, much less review them! And I also get worried when I forget to comment on a post someone tagged me in. (I’m sorry if I’ve ever done that to you, btw! I didn’t mean to!)

Anyway, this was a wonderful post about book blogger insecurities, and it really hit home for me.

✨ My Mom Guessed YA Book Plots Based Off Their Covers from Arin at Tomes of Our Lives

Arin brilliantly asked her Mom to guess what some books were about just based off of their covers, and… honestly, my parents would have done the same! 😂 My family has no idea what certain books are about, so this post was hilarious to me.

✨ Harry Potter: Books to Movie from Sophie at Me and Ink

Sophie had some really cool Harry Potter posts going on in February! I loved it so  much! I’m particularly passionate about the differences between the books and the movies, so I loved this post! 😊

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Well… I think you won’t be seeing me very much this month, haha! 

I’m currently in college, and this is my last month of school for this year, so… I think I might be pretty sparse this month. February and April were very busy because my studies were more important, but I think things may get even more rough from here.

I’m probably going to post about once a week, or something like that. But I have no idea what’s going to happen. I mean, I have a few posts planned, but we’ll see how that goes.

In better news… I will get to see The Lightning Thief: The Musical in about a month from now! I’m super excited for this musical adaptation of Percy Jackson, and I will review it for you all shortly after I see it! (Also, if you’re a fan of Percy Jackson and you haven’t heard the soundtrack for this musical – what are you doing here?? Go listen to it! I promise it’s 97% more accurate than the movies, haha!)

This has nothing to do with books, but also go listen to the band AJR because I love them, okay, that is all.

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Should I even make goals for myself? Will this even work? Only time will tell.

  • Post at least 6 posts, lol
  • Write a little bit of my WIP? Will that even be possible?
  • Read one book. Just one book, Xandra. You can do this.

Whelp, thanks for reading this Wrap Up! My life is a bit messy right now, but I will try my best. 😊 Blogging is a bit of a stress reliever for me, so I would be a little sad to abandon it entirely for the next month. Even if I’m not reading, I still like talking about reading with you all!

P.S. Did you notice anything different about this post’s header?? I’m trying to change up my headers a bit, I hope you like it better than before. 😅

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How was your March? Did you do anything exciting? What were your favorite books?

Chat with me about it!

You can also be my friend on Goodreads! 📚

Happy reading, everyone.

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44 thoughts on “What Happened Over These Past 2 Months? // March Wrap Up

  1. Aww I’m sorry you didn’t get to read as many books as you wanted to! And that school was so stressful (I can unfortunately relate). But I’m sure the next month will be better!😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Best of luck with school and exams!! I know it can be super stressful but it’s always a lovely feeling when it’s over!! 💛
    I’m glad you overall enjoyed the books you read– I really need to check out a Brandon Sanderson book soon!! 😂
    Ahh I love buzzfeed unsolved– they are so good. So cool that they is a readathon!!
    Thank you for sharing my post– it means so much and I am glad you enjoyed it!! 💕
    I hope you enjoy the lightning thief musical!! And I love AJR music as well 😁
    Great wrap-up!! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sophie! If you’re looking for a Brandon Sanderson book, I recommend Skyward first! (Even though I’ve never read his other books, haha!)

      I was really excited for the Buzzfeed Unsolved readathon, but maybe I can do it another time. And of course, you’re welcome! 🙂 I really liked your post!

      (And yay, I’m so happy you like AJR!! Have you heard their new single, Dear Winter? I literally cry every time I hear it 😭 but I’m just really dramatic, haha)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha I have heard a lot of good reviews for Skyward so it seems a good place to start!! Also purple book cover which I don’t see a lot so yay to that!!
        Yes you can always do it another time!!
        Thank you!! ❤
        I only just realised that they had new stuff the other day but I have listened to it and it is really sweet and emotional– I can understand why it makes you cry. Another one of theirs that always makes me emotional is call my dad– I love the song though!!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Yesss I really love your new post header!! ALSO I DIDN’T NOTICE THAT THE COVER FOR THE BOY WHO STEALS HOUSES MATCHED YOUR BLOG OMG SDJFKSDJF IT MATCHES SO WELL?? LIKE EVEN THE STARS??? WHOAAAA. (Thank you for sharing my post I don’t deserve this aaaaah!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved Skyward! It sucks that you weren’t able to read a ton in the past few months, but at least you found a few great books! I’m also hoping to see the Lightning Thief musical when it comes to my city and I’m soooo excited 😀 Good luck finishing off this school year!!! You got this!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m jealous that you get to see the Lightning Thief. I was thinking of seeing it when it comes around in the next month or so, but life has gotten in the way. I’ll have to check out the cast recording!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great wrap-up(s)!! It’s really unfortunate that school duties always call in such times. Nevertheless,I hope we’ll be able to read as much as we want soon , I mean after school finishes(mine after 2 months! And we also have to study all the things we studied this whole year to pass the final exams then ; not stressful at all!).
    Have a great day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I think March is one of the busiest months in school. It’s like a freaking rollercoaster. I hope you’ll have some time to read that one book in April. And don’t overwork yourself!
    Also, good luck with your WIP!
    And The Lightning Thief had a musical??? I feel so behind😂😂 I hope you’ll enjoy it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, the last few months of school are always so busy for me 😦 Thank you, and I hope you find time to read everything you want, as well! 🙂

      Yeah, The Lightning Thief is a musical, now! You should listen to the soundtrack! And thanks, I hope I enjoy it, too!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Wish you lots of luck with everything! The last couple of weeks/months have been super busy for me, too so I totally feel you on that front. I love the idea behind the Buzzfeed Unsolved readathon so much! I adore your graphics! Thank you for sharing ! c:

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ooh, I am reading Skyward too! I am enjoying it so far, although I’ve heard it’s a hit or miss for some. And haha, I’ve never heard of the Lightning Thief musical, but I’m not surprised at all that it’s more accurate than the movies; the bar is pretty low. 😂

    Btw, nail that last month of school girl! That’s the most important thing. 😘 And congrats on your 6 month blog aniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have heard that too, but I really enjoyed Skyward! I think it was a little long, but I CAN’T WAIT for the next book!

      And oh yeah, the Lightning Thief musical is very accurate! I’ve been listening to it for over a year now, and I still love it.

      Thank you so much! 💕


  10. It’s sooooo nice you’re going to watch the musical for The Lightning Thief! I feel like I’m a fake fan, because I’ve never listened to the soundtrack. Even though I like musicals when they’re in movie format – I was just listening to the soundtrack of Mamma Mia today and it’s crazy how I know all the words -, but not so much for musicals? I don’t know anything about them, if I’m honest. I know that Hamilton is what everyone on Tumblr talks about, but I truly wouldn’t even be able to tell you the plot of it. I will take your advice, though, and listen to the soundtrack of The Lightning Thief! Considering I’m already so familiar with the book series, I don’t think it will be a problem enjoying it.
    I’m wishing you luck on your school work. College can be stressful – trust me, I know. That’s why I’m comenting so late on this post -, so do not fear taking a time for yourself if you’re feeling too overwhelmed.
    Hope you have an amazing April! 🌟

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s okay if you have not listened to the soundtrack yet! A lot of people are still finding out about it 🙂 The music is so good, and a lot more accurate than the movies! (Also, don’t feel bad about not liking Hamilton – I think it’s mostly people from the United States who like it 😂)

      Thank you so much, Lais! I hope you have a great April, too! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

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