4 Things About Blogging That Seem Scary, But Really Aren’t That Bad

Blogging can be scary sometimes, especially when you’re a new blogger.

I don’t know what it is, but I’m really in the mood to give some advice.

If you’ve ever been scared to post something on your blog, don’t worry! You’re not alone! Here is a list of 4 things I used to be afraid to do on my blog, but now I’ve learned to think otherwise.

Talking to big bloggers. 

dramatic backstory

When I first started blogging, there was nothing scarier than *fake gasp* reaching out and commenting on other people’s posts. Did I really need to do this? No thank you.

But whenever I do something, I have to do it big. The first comments I ever made were on “big blogs”. I was so excited to see what my favorite bloggers would reply with! It was like I was talking to a celebrity, or something! I put my heart and soul into those comments. I spell-checked them, and I made sure that they were all interesting and made it clear that I had read and appreciated the post. 

And you know what happened? No one ever replied.

 In fact, most of those bloggers only chose to reply to their select few blogging friends in those posts.

Because this was very early in my blogging journey, I slowly began to grow sad about the book blogging community. If this was how the “big bloggers” treated their commenters, then I just… wouldn’t comment! That was the only apparent solution! 

I mean, right? 

why this shouldn’t be scary to you

Eventually, months and months passed, and I realized that most of those “big bloggers” who had never replied to me had been through some tough times when I made the comments. Some of them were on hiatuses and eventually did reply very late, and some of them were struggling with their mental health. And still, some of them never replied, but I now believe this was due to the overwhelming amount of comments on their blogs. 

It wasn’t until I started getting 20+ comments on my posts that I realized how exhausting it can be to reply, and how easy it can be to accidentally never approve a comment. I love reading all of your comments, and I love replying to the best of my ability, but sometimes it just takes forever!

Just the other day, I was one month (one whole month!) behind on replying to comments, and it took me nearly 3 hours to reply to half of them. *wipes brow just thinking about it*
That’s another lesson for you: don’t let your comments pile up like that! Just don’t do it. Eventually it’ll grow into a habit you can’t shake, and then one day you’ll look into the mirror and see me, a small, vicious, latina girl who hoards comments and pingbacks until they literally have nowhere else to go and they’re all moved to my storage cave for my audition on that strange hoarding show.

A few months ago, I reached out to one of the “big bloggers” who had never replied, and I realized that she probably missed my first comment because it went to spam or something like that. She replied quickly to my second comment on her blog, and now we’re becoming friends! 

the moral of the story

If you get anything out of this, I would like for you to never be afraid to comment! If you read a post, from any kind of blogger, just know that their eyes will probably light up with joy for every comment they get. Every blogger I know appreciates every single one of the comments they receive, and they will happily reply to as many as they can! 

Big bloggers are not scary – they are people like you and me, and they probably blog for fun and their love of books! Before big bloggers got to where they are now, they were small bloggers, too. And they were probably scared of commenting, as well, but eventually they didn’t let that stop them from growing their blog experience. 

Don’t be afraid to reach out to bloggers with more of a following than you! When I first started my blog, I was embarrassed about approaching just about anyone while I only had 5 followers. But now, I wish I had started talking to other bloggers sooner! It really helped me to engage with the community and meet all kinds of awesome bloggers. 

Of course, this is not something you should feel required to do. If you would rather talk to bloggers who have the same amount of experience as you, then that’s great as well!
But just don’t be like me, who only kept to myself and simultaneously thought the entire world would love me just because I posted WWW Wednesdays and Monthly Wrap-Ups 🙂

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Writing posts out of your comfort zone.

I used to be scared of this all the time, but now I ask myself… “What else can I post that no one else has done recently and makes me anxious to post but I’ll do it anyway?” Like this post, right here! Wow, this is scary.

It can be hard to write a type of post you’ve never done before, but it can also be good for your blog. Writing posts out of your comfort zone can help you gain experience in the types of posts you want to write, and even if it’s not perfect the first time you write it, you still have many opportunities to try again!

For example, I once viewed discussion posts with great fear. What could I possibly discuss with others? What could others possibly say in response? Could other people even relate to my experiences? 

Sometimes people will relate to your posts, but it’s okay if they don’t. Not everyone can relate to your posts, but they can always find it interesting and appreciate your effort!

Even when a post is not relatable to everyone, the post can still be interesting because it represents your opinions and experience. Allow for your posts to be about you, and to be as personal as you want them to be, because then, it doesn’t matter if it’s highly relatable or not. If your viewers like your blog, they’ll like hearing about your perspective in a unique post. It doesn’t even have to be fancy or professional! It just has to be you.

And, when you write posts you’ve never done before, you’ll be trying new things and learning about your blogging style. If you write a discussion post and decide it’s not your thing – that’s totally fine! Do whatever makes you most comfortable, but also don’t be afraid to test your comfort zone every once in a while. 🙂

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Tagging other people’s posts. 

For some reason, this concept really scared me because I can never really, truly know how a blogger is going to respond. Before I tagged anyone, I would ask myself, Will they like that I gave them a shout out? Will they be embarrassed because it’s not even their best post? Will they ever see the pingback? Wait, what if they’re something wrong with my pingbacks? Um, what if – 

Most likely, they will highly appreciate the shout out! Don’t worry about this too much, because if it really worries you, then just know that there is no handbook to book blogging that requires you to shout out or tag anyone. You don’t have to worry at all, or mention the post. If you want to tag them, then go ahead – give it a try, and see what happens. There’s no harm in trying. 

When I first tagged others on my blog, I think it was tagging them in a Book Tag. Some people responded, and some people didn’t. I was grateful that some responded to my tag, but for the ones who didn’t… I constantly wondered if I had offended them or something. Did they not like tags? Was there actually something wrong with my pingbacks, or was I just being paranoid? 

If you’re having trouble with pingbacks… 😉
📚 related: 8 Things I Should Have Known When I Started Blogging

Now that I am slightly more experienced, I realize that those bloggers who never responded most likely a) just forgot to respond, or b) the pingback got lost in a plethora of other pingbacks that they never saw because sometimes the pingbacks just pile up, y’know? 

As someone who hoards pingbacks like a tiny dragon who hoards her gold coins, I value every shout-out and tag, but… sometimes I just forget to approve them! Or sometimes they go to spam! Or, sometimes I’ll open an internet tab and read the tag but then I’ll have to make a sandwich or something, and the tab gets forgotten in a sea of other open tabs until I just delete them all at once.  

But either way… 

✨   ✨   ✨

this tiny book dragon (i.e. me) would like to issue an apology for never responding to some of your tags! 

the tags are greatly appreciated, and I promise I saw it! 😌 if I never responded to it, it’s either lost or just sitting somewhere in the pile of other pingbacks I should have responded to a long time ago.


✨   ✨   ✨

the moral of the story

Please don’t be afraid to mention other people in your posts! It’s a great way to show others that you read and appreciate their blogs.

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Blog hopping on a blog for the first time. 

Sometimes I’m just scared of commenting on someone’s blog for the first time, but I have do idea why. 

Blog hopping can take a lot of effort, if you do it right. A good blog-hopper will 1) be kind in the comment 2) respond using points from the post to show that they read it 3) comment in 2 or more sentences.

But all of this can also take so much time, and if the original blogger never responds, or just says “thank you!!”… then what? Did you just waste your time on a long and thoughtful comment for nothing? 

Well, no, no you didn’t. And you know why? Because at least you tried! 💫 You tried to leave a thoughtful comment, and you can do it again on someone else’s blog, and maybe that someone else will be more responsive and thankful. It’s also possible that the original blogger we’re talking about here just didn’t have time to comment a lot, and maybe they’ll be more responsive next time you visit!

the moral of the story

Blog hopping can be scary sometimes, but what’s the worst that could happen?

I find blog hopping to be extremely helpful. When I first started blogging, I read the comments on my favorite blogs and found other blogs by clicking on their profiles! Eventually, I tried to comment on as many blogs as possible, to figure out what kinds of comments were acceptable for individual bloggers and which bloggers were more friendly than others.

Commenting on several blogs per day (aka blog hopping) is a good idea, because more people will see your comments and possibly gravitate towards your blog to check it out. Even if you’re not trying to build a massive following, this still increases your chances of finding blogging friends and improving your blogger voice!

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I don’t know, this post kind of turned into me sharing some weird inner thoughts about blogging… 🙈 I kind of don’t want to post this anymore, but oh well, it’s here already.

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Were you ever scared of any of these things? Have you overcome any other scary blogger milestones? Was this post even helpful?

Let me know, and chat with me about it!

You can also be my friend on Goodreads!

Happy reading, everyone! 😊Starry Sky Books-13


118 thoughts on “4 Things About Blogging That Seem Scary, But Really Aren’t That Bad

  1. This is a really unique post! I wish I had known these things when I started blogging, especially not to be scared of commenting on other blogs (and yes, I appreciate the irony of this comment!)
    📕MP📚 X

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes to all of these things, Xandra!! I used to feel the same way, especially when it came to interacting with “big” bloggers. I used to be super intimidated but really they’re just people too and share the same love of blogging. Sometimes, it’s just having a bunch of comments becomes overwhelming and it’s a lot to get caught up with, but we still appreciate it all the same. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I used to be afraid of all of these things, especially with big bloggers, but I’m a different person today! I’m glad you can relate, Tiffany! “Big” bloggers have the same love for books as we do, so there’s really nothing to be afraid of 🙂 And comments can be overwhelming sometimes (especially when they pile up, like mine right now!), but I still appreciate all of the comments and likes!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve seen some people who schedule days for blog hopping and I can’t do that! I’m on WordPress all day long, checking my posts, commenting on others and making sure I’m interacting. It’s the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night!

    Also thank you for talking about big bloggers and being afraid to interact! It can be scary but they really are just like us. I’m a smaller blog and I LOVE every single comment I get.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve always wanted to try to schedule days for blog hopping, but that sounds like so much work! 😂 I usually just blog hop whenever I can. I like that you have set times for blog hopping, though!

      And yes, I used to be afraid of not being “good enough” for big bloggers, but they’re not so scary when you realize they’re just normal people! 🙂


    1. Yes! Big bloggers and discussion posts can be so scary, especially when I’m writing a post and I’m not sure if anyone will understand or care about what I’m trying to say! But I’ve always had a welcoming and friendly time here on my blog 🙂


  4. I love this post so much, Xandra! I definitely agree with all of these (except for maybe writing a new kind of post out of my comfort zone — for some reason I was lucky enough not to feel scared about that!). I remember when I started out blogging, I was always so nervous to post a comment on an idol’s blog, and I definitely remember anxiously anticipating their reply lmao! And yes I relate so much to finding new blogs in comments of a blog post and questioning whether or not I was brave enough to comment on their blogs 🙈 It’s silly looking back on it, but it really was just so intimidating when you’re starting out!

    And aahh what you said about big bloggers not replying to comments made me so sad! It’s one of the things that makes me the most sad about how I was horrible about replying last year — I could have missed out on talking to some lovely people and I’ll never know 😭 But I adored this post!! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, May!! ❤️ I’m always worried about posting discussion posts, because sometimes I don’t know if everyone will agree or understand what I’m trying to say! And yes, I’m still sometimes a bit nervous to comment on a “big” blogger’s post, but I know they’ll still appreciate the comment! As a new blogger, these things can be a little scary, but it just takes time to get used to these things!

      When I was first starting out (and even sometimes right now!) some big bloggers didn’t respond to me, but I understand that they had very good reasons for it. Usually they were going through tough times in their personal lives. And even if they don’t respond nowadays, I just want them to know that I care about their content 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. These are all so helpful!
    You have written so many useful posts recently, it is amazing!
    I found blog hopping and writing super difficult, but now I am slowly getting more and more into it.
    I love the self reference to a dragon, btw. The picture you use is so cute!
    – Emma 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww, thank you, Emma! I’m glad this was helpful to you! ❤

      Blog hopping can be difficult sometimes, especially when you don’t know the blogger yet, but it just takes some practice and patience 🙂 (And thanks, haha! I love dragons!)


  6. Omg yet another amazing dose of advice from Xandra! You totally rock so much with your advice and like where were you when I started blogging 😭😭 I did have an fear as well with the bigger bloggers. Like, they were just so big and successful like how was I supposed to make an impact??? I finally took the dive with more mid range bloggers and moved my way up. You make some fantastic points in this post, and I enjoyed so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Mandy 😭 💕

      Big bloggers were so scary, but I found out they can be just as friendly as all of the other bloggers – they’re really not different from everyone else! I was honestly intimidated by Book Princess Reviews because the blog is so good 🙈 But you and Sha have been so lovely to talk to, and I never should have been afraid to comment. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Agreed! I just had to remind myself that they definitely wouldn’t have gotten so big if they were mean. XD And omg I can’t even imagine. I feel like we are still the little tiny fish out there. I felt a bit the same way. You always felt so put together so I was like, omg, she gonna know I’m a mess. XD


  7. This is such a great post Xandra. I’ve been blogging for some 9 months and I still find some of these scary, especially interacting with more experienced bloggers.
    I like your tips on blog hopping and writing things that are out of my comfort zone, I have to try that 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Where do people find these “scary, more experienced bloggers”? I especially mean book bloggers. They have their own domain or they still have wordpress.com? Most people I find do not have much experience book blogging. Is it really scary interacting with them via internet, it is not like a face-to-face interaction, right?


      1. I usually find them on WordPress reader or Twitter. I haven’t interacted that much with them, but I always have the feeling that they wouldn’t be interested in my posts. After all, they have thousands and thousands of followers and probably don’t have time or will to communicate with everyone, especially not someone like me with less than 50 followers.

        As for the domain, I’m really not sure.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I am sure most people are willing to communicate, even those that have thousands of followers. Yes, some people may not have the time, but one of the reasons of having a blog is also interaction with followers, community and not just posting posts and forgetting about the interactive part. Hmm, I think the number of followers is not as important as one may think – they also increase with one’s interaction with others. I have a more successful movie blog, and it is the first time I hear about this strict “hierarchy” of bloggers. Blogging is supposed to bring different people together to discuss their interests – including more and less successful in blogging people at any particular time – not speaking to someone just because that person is “new” or have fewer followers – that is just downright nonsensical and biased.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Maybe it’s just the feeling that I got. Maybe they’re not really scary, but they certainly seems so to us newbies 😊

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      2. Diana, I’m sorry for the confusion, but I didn’t intend to imply that these bloggers are truly “scary” or “mean”. I have been blogging for almost a year now, and no one has ever been rude or mean to me at all. By “scary”, I meant that newbie bloggers can sometimes be embarrassed to talk to bigger bloggers because the newbie bloggers’ content is not yet fully developed, and they have a significantly smaller following. It’s almost a matter of popularity, but once bloggers (like myself) have more experience, it’s easier to realize that this “popularity” measure doesn’t really matter.

        When I started my blog, anyone with over 400 followers (and especially with more than 1,000 followers) was a “big blogger” to me. These blogs can be a bit intimidating because they often have 50+ comments on every post, many of which are long and personal. This was intimidating to me because I didn’t want to be embarrassed if the blogger never responded or didn’t like. I never had anything to actually worry about. There was no harm in commenting at all, and nothing to be embarrassed about – I was just anxious to interact with someone who was like a celebrity to me.

        (I’d also like to point out that these “scary” things about blogging are probably more “scary” to young bloggers, who are teens or young adults. I’m sure that older bloggers do not have as much of an issue with these things as teens such as myself when I started.)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks for replying! I now understand you very well. I think some people with thousands of followers simply have been on wordpress much longer than others (seven plus years) (it is one of the contributing factors of a successful blog), but simply being somewhere longer does mean that these people have become “Gods” 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

  8. Great post, Xandra! This was so relatable. I was so nervous commenting on people’s blogs and trying not to sound stupid in the beginning. I still shy away from discussion posts because the idea of replying thoughtfully to all those comments just… ugh, I’m already exhausted thinking about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Naty! 😊 I also worry if my comments are thoughtful enough, but other times I wonder if my comments are too long, as well! I guess we can never know what the proper length for a comment is, and we should probably just try to comment from the heart as much as possible. 🙂


  9. I TOTALLY understand about not wanting to do pingbacks on other people’s blogs/posts!! Every time I do a tag I think “what if they don’t want to do this tag? what if they hate me now? but if I don’t tag anyone will people hate me for not tagging anyone? what if someone else gets upset that I didn’t tag them?!?!”
    It’s all a bit much sometimes (which is likely why I am about 4 months behind on tags!! 😅🙈

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  10. I was also really weird about commenting around when I first started, like I thought people would be annoyed or something–when actually most bloggers really want all the comments they can get! I was also sort of weirded out when people commented on my posts, since it happened so rarely.

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    1. New bloggers can be intimidated by a lot of things, but the best thing to do is just try and get the experience! I remember being confused when I got my first comment, and I didn’t know what the common etiquette for replying was. 😅


  11. I absolutely loved this! I relate so much to all of your points. The first time I ever commented on one of the blogs I looked up to, I just wanted to hide in a hole after. But then they responded, and I felt so silly for ever being nervous! It’s really refreshing to hear that someone else was just as unsure at the beginning, too!

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  12. Oh my gosh commenting for me can still be so nerve wracking and I am SO with you on the spellchecking – I never know how other comments have typos because I reread them so much before sending😂
    This was such a great post that was super relatable!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. This post is SO relatable and so GREAT, I love it so much. I was (and sometimes still am) so nervous about all of these things. I was especially nervous about commenting on blogs and big blogs at first, because I thought they’d never reply and what if I seem awkward or don’t make any sense at all and all the anxiety taking over. It was INCREDIBLE when bloggers started replying and I started having conversations with them and just, ahh, it made me so happy. ❤ It can be complicated to interact and make the first step, but once you do it's so worth it ❤
    I think I'll always be nervous about writing posts outside of my comfort zone, or just any kind of post, but… that's just me haha.
    Fantastic post ❤

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    1. Thank you SO much, Marie! 😊 💕 I still get nervous about commenting sometimes, but I always remind myself that the blogger with still appreciate my comment, no matter how awkward it is. 🙂 I always love it when people interact with me through my blog, and I’m sure most other bloggers agree. It’s worth it to comment, especially when you become friends with other bloggers!

      I think your posts are lovely, and you shouldn’t be too nervous about posting out of your comfort zone! I think I would read anything from your blog! ❤

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      1. Exactly, I’m always trying to remind myself that people will appreciate the time I took to write a comment, hopefully, so…. I do my best ahah ❤
        Aww thank you, Xandra, you're too sweet 😭

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  14. Wow I literally find all of them scary, commenting especially, I need to buy a thesaurus and find words that are not ‘great post!’ but till I get to that, great post! (also you don’t need to reply, you still have half a month of comments to reply to!)

    Liked by 1 person

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