Bookish Breaking News (!!) // Adam Silvera just released the title for his new book AND I AM NOT OKAY

Hey, everyone, do you know my man Adam Silvera? From What If It’s Us? Author of several other heart-wrenching books? Best Friend™ of Becky Albertalli?

Well, he just released the title for his #PhoenixFireBook Fantasy novel (which I just mentioned yesterday in my tag), and I’m going to need to sit down while I tell you today’s news.

He initially released the news on his Instagram, but announced that he was going to do so yesterday (Jan 29) on Twitter. That’s such a short amount of time! I almost missed it, friends!  

But have no fear, because I was able to document this process.

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And then, look at these responses!! Omg 🤣

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And then, just a mere few mintues ago, THE MAGIC HAPPENED.

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If you’re confused, just let me explain a little bit.

Adam Silvera is one of my favorite authors, okay? Every time I read one of his books, I feel like my heart has been ripped from my body. But, you know, the good kind of heartbreak.

I was already excited for this news, but to my knowledge, this wasn’t supposed to be a series! Adam Silvera hasn’t written a series yet, and this is just so SO exciting!

Consider me completely blown out of the water. 

🔥 🔥 🔥

In other news… What If It’s Us is being auctioned for movie rights! (This had already been released, but I think it’s officially official now.) 

Two pieces of Adam Silvera news in one day? I don’t even think I can handle this. 

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Okay, friends. That’s enough screaming for today.

I promise that’s the last Bookish News for a while! I just had to share this one with you guys!

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Have you read Adam Silvera’s previous books yet? What did you think? Which one is your favorite?
How excited are you for this new book?

I want to hear all of your thoughts!

You can also be my friend on Goodreads! 📚

Happy reading, everyone! 😀

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10 thoughts on “Bookish Breaking News (!!) // Adam Silvera just released the title for his new book AND I AM NOT OKAY

  1. How did I miss this?!?! This is awesome news!! I’ve read They Both Die at the End and What If It’s Us and enjoyed them, and I’m planning to read More Happy Than Not and History Is All You Left Me when I get the chance. I also met Adam once and he’s awesome! I’m super excited to read a fantasy novel by him 😍


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