Winter 24-Hour Readathon COMPLETE! // Day 1, Part 2

This readathon day has NOT gone as expected… but I spent most of my day reading beside a cat, so everything is okay. 😌

The theme for this readathon day is “Backlist Books“. I have a few books I’ve been meaning to read for at least 6 months!

However, since since my family had been fostering a lost cat for the past few days, things have not gone according to plan! Read the previous readathon post (Day 1, Part 1) to get the full story!

Here is Day 1, Part 2 of my second annual Winter 24-Hour Readathons! (You can still join, if you wish!)


As mentioned in the previous post, I had been reading Sorcery of Thorns for a very long time, and then decided to listen to Blue Lily, Lily Blue for a change of pace.

1:30-2:10pm – I attempted to listen to Blue Lily, Lily Blue while I took a shower, but it didn’t work! Another good idea, sabotaged! *shakes fist dramatically* 

Also, more tea!


2:30pm – I decided to ~finally~ reply to my blog comments, which I’ve been putting off for months! (I’m sorry school was getting in the way! 😦 )

3:55pm – I said to myself, “Aww, I can’t believe the day is almost over 😦 ” and then I checked the clock and realized I still had 12 hours left!! 

And then… I tried to take a nap. I was suddenly very tired, and I caved in. 

This was my big mistake! I have no idea why I thought I could take a nap! I’ve never been able to take a good nap, and this one was no exception. I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, and when I woke up, I was disoriented for like, 40 minutes. 🙄 I only got to read for a few minutes after that. 

5:00-7:00pmSadly (and also happily, of course) we had to return the cat to his owners. They were very happy to have their beautiful cat back home safe, and both my family and their family cried happy tears when he was finally back in their house. 💕😭

I will miss this big boy! (picture of the cat in our car)
I will miss this big boy!

My family also went out to eat afterwards, so we didn’t get back home until 7pm! 


10:09pm – Still reading Sorcery of Thorns. This was very strange for me, because I usually finish at least one book in the morning of the readathon! But alas, I had some setbacks today, and I had a great time watching over that cat!

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11:12pm – I moved from my living room to my bedroom, and decided that I would not be finishing Blue Lily, Lily Blue 😦 I wanted to be fully awake for the last half!

11:30pm – *me, speaking to myself in the night* Note to self: next time, I should just let my phone battery die before the readathon, so I can actually focus on the reading for the day!

page 344: Whoa, things are moving fast! 😏

page 353: This whole time I’ve been thinking that it would be great to have a map for this world in the front of the book – and I found out that there was! I just discovered this in the last several chapters!


12:03am – It just occurred to me that the title “2nd Annual Readathon” implies there will eventually be a “3rd Annual Readathon”, meaning that I’ve just signed myself up for these readathons indefinitely 😳 Haha, what have I done to myself!

12:30am – So tired… If I had closed my eyes for 30 seconds, I would have surely passed out.

2:00am – I did it! The book was finally finished! *triumphant noises in the background* I really enjoyed it, and I think I might have to read it again sometime! 😊 I might just love it as much as Strange the Dreamer. An imaginative story about magical books.

2:20am – I tried to read some of Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine, which I had started back in August, but… I couldn’t do it! I just had to fall asleep!

Although, on the bright side: This was the longest I had ever stayed up! Almost a full 23 hours! (shh, please don’t tell anyone I’ve never actually done a full 24-hour readathon)

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Sorcery of Thorns: 453 pages

Blue Lily, Lily Blue: about 190 pages?

Ink and Bone: 10 pages (😂)

TOTAL: 653 pages

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Thanks for reading about my experience with this Readathon! 😊  I had fun, despite being sleepy early on and having some setbacks! I hope you enjoyed reading about my shenanigans.

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Have you read any of these books? What did you think?
Have you ever done a 24-Hour Readathon? Would you be willing to join me next time? It’s a lot of fun, I promise!

Chat with me about it!

You can also be my friend on Goodreads! 📚

Happy reading, everyone! 😀

Starry Sky Books-13

8 thoughts on “Winter 24-Hour Readathon COMPLETE! // Day 1, Part 2

  1. Wow you stayed up so late for this readathon!! That is dedication!!
    I’m so glad you enjoyed sorcery of thorns. I enjoyed my time with it too! 😊
    Haha taking naps can be really risky !! I’m not good at it!! 😂 and yes if I didn’t have my phone I think I would be more productive 😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I tried to get as much sleep as possible 😂 Yeah, I really liked Sorcery of Thorns! I think it would have been better if I hadn’t forced myself to read it all in one day, but I liked it so much that I might just reread it eventually! And I think for my next readathon, I’m just going to lock myself in my room without any access to the internet, and hopefully I’ll be more productive 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. But wow, you put so much effort and time into this readathon, and that definitely shows major dedication, that’s amazing!!
    What a cute cat, sorry he had to go, but I’m glad he was such good company for you during a period in the readathon.

    Liked by 1 person

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