Discussion Topics I’d Love to Read From You

Hey, everyone! Who’s ready to get some ideas?

A few months ago, I wrote a post about things I wish I had known as a new book blogger, and in it, I described how to write a discussion post! (Only my opinion, of course. You can write a post however you like!)

It’s come to my attention that some of you really want to write discussions, but are having trouble finding inspiration or topics to write about. So this one’s for you! 

Here are some discussion post topics I would love to read from you all! 

small announcement: 

I was nominated for Best New Book Blogger in the final voting round of the Third Annual Book Blogger Awards! 😊 Thank you so so much for getting me this far in the awards, and you all mean so much to me!

Please vote for me in this round! It would mean the world to me if you showed your support for me and my blog! 💕 And don’t forget to vote for everyone else who you believe deserves to win, as well!

Voting closes on July 31st. Here is the Google Form for voting!

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Why did you start your blog? How has your blogging journey changed over time?

I’ve written a discussion post about this already, but I’d like to hear your story! 

✨ related: Discussions & Rambles // Why are you blogging right now?

Why did you start a book blog? Tell your viewers and blogging friends about your journey, and invite some fresh conversation! 

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A discussion about audiobooks. 

The use of audiobooks has been in debate for… I think it’s been forever. Some people hate them, some people love them. 

And then you have people like me, who say, “Eh, it really depends on my mood.” 

Write a discussion post about your views on audiobooks. Do you use them? Why, or why not? 

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What is your favorite (or least favorite) genre, and why?

Some people (ie: not me) aren’t overly picky and can read just about any genre. However, others avoid certain genres when they choose their next lovely read. 

What genres do you avoid, and why? Which are your favorite genres? 

Make a discussion post about the books you love, or your experiences with certain genres. 

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A discussion about spoilers.

This is also a discussion I’ve made before! 

✨ related: Discussions & Rambles // What do you think about spoilers?

When you talk about spoilers, bring up your experiences with them. Have you ever seen a spoiler? Did it ruin the book for you, or did you just move on with your life? what exactly is a spoiler, anyway? 

You can also make the discussion about 1) why spoilers should be made obvious when they appear in book reviews, or 2) why spoilers should not be such a big deal.  

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Thoughts about book subscription boxes.

Have you ever ordered a subscription box? Did you like it, or did it disappoint you? 

Whether you’ve bought one before or not, I would like to know your opinion on bookish boxes! 

Boxes such as Owlcrate and LitJoy are beautiful, but they can also be expensive. In the discussion, you can talk about your experience with boxes others may be curious about, or you can discuss why you’ve never bought one before. You can even bring up points about items you wish some boxes would include, or items you wish they would get rid of. 

(For example: I’ve purchased a few boxes in the past, and they were okay, but I just never liked the books they would send me!)

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A list of books with dragons (or any other kind of interesting creature).

Okay, if I’m being honest, all I’m trying to do here is to get you all to recommend me some dragon books, because I am desperate.

Make a recommendation list of books with a certain creature, or books which feature creatures you wish you say in fiction more often. Then, ask your viewers which creatures they wish appeared in books more! 

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Discuss the characteristics of your favorite characters.
(or favorite types of characters)

Sometimes, our favorite characters are pretty similar: they all came from similar backgrounds, or they had similar friends, or they all we somehow involved with a crime of some sort, or – you know the drill. 

Discuss some characteristics your favorite characters may have in common. Do they have the same hair color? The same taste in clothing, or food? Where do they come from? Do they have certain skills? 

You can also turn this into a list of books where those characters are from. Maybe these are your favorite books! 

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Where do you get your books? 

Write a discussion about how you read, and where you get books. Do you go to your local library? Do you purchase your books online? Or do you only use an ereader? 

Tell your viewers about how you obtain the books you read, and why. Is there something you wish you could change about this process? 

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 Talk about why you read certain blogs, and what made you follow them. 

Some of us are very picky when it comes to reading blogs. There are so many of them! We don’t have time to read them all, but we can narrow our choices down based on what we look for in a blog. 

Discuss your favorite things about your favorite blogs, and what makes them unique to you. Or, if you have any pet peeves about reading blogs, bring those into the conversation as well. 

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I hope this helps your inspiration process! What other discussion topics would you like more people to write about?

Chat with me about it!

You can also be my friend on Goodreads!

Happy reading, everyone! 😀

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45 thoughts on “Discussion Topics I’d Love to Read From You

  1. These are all such great discussion prompts! I really like the idea of talking about character/types of characters people love, since that’s something I am interested in both talking about and reading about 😊 And I’m always happy to find recommendations for more dragon books 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😀 I love talking about characters, because they’re usually my favorite part of the book or series, and I love hearing about other people’s opinions on characters! And yes of course, I also love hearing about dragon books! I can never get too many dragon recs!


    1. Thank you, I’m glad it helped, Audrey! I hope you get to write your own discussion posts soon! When I made my first discussion, I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I eventually wrote more and got practice, and I learned how I wanted to make my discussions my own! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great topic ideas! My main issue is getting the time to type up a post, especially at the end of the month with Camp Nano. Still, I’d really love to post about some of these topics sometime. Fingers crossed I find the time to!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is a really handy list and sometimes I can’t think about what to write for a discussion and all of these are great points!! I was thinking about audio books that other day and this had inspired me to write it so thank you!! 💗
    I quite like writing discussion posts so it is great to have some more prompts!! Great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As a big lover of your discussions this list of possible topics is really great! I wouldn’t say that I’m particularly good at writing these kinds of posts myself, but I definitely want to try 🙂 I’ll save this post for later reference 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on your nomination!! I was excited to see you on there (and I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a secret ballot, but I voted for you 😉 ) I’m always excited to see books about dragons and love to hear what characteristics people like in characters. And I like to read about why people follow certain blogs (and get recommendations on who to follow as well 😉 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! And ahhh, thank you for also voting for me! 😊 I’m always on the lookout for books with dragons, especially because my WIP is all about dragons! I also like discussions about why people follow blogs, because everyone has different reasons and those are particularly interesting 🙂


  6. I’m already doing a list of books series, it’s my top 5 recommendation Saturday series, everyone is free to join. Last week’s topic is books set in Asia and this week’s topic is books about assassins. I love all these discussion topics! I am totally bookmarking this for future reference!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love reading about everyone’s favorite book series, although I have trouble coming up with a list myself! 😅 I always say that everything is my favorite, because I don’t like having to choose!

      And I’m always looking forward to reading books set in other countries! Books set in America are especially boring to me, since I live here already and a lot of YA books are set in the US. And thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m a little late to comment on this, but congratulations again on your nomination!! and thank you so much for sharing all of these fantastic and quite inspiring ideas, definitely bookmarking this! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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